National women’s month Celebration SY-2021-2022


                     In 1911, the first International Women’s Day was celebrated on 19 March participated by millions of men and women. However, a tragic incident led to the changing of this date. On 25 March, 1911, 140 working women died in a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York City. This brought to light the unfair labor practices and inhumane working conditions that women workers face and led to several rallies.

                     The month of march we will be celebrating the 2021 National Women’s Month Celebration amidst this pandemic, this celebration will be celebrated by using an online platform because of this pandemic, which serves as an online forum to discuss women’s experiences in dealing with the pandemic, and provide practical information and ways forward to help them. This month aims to inform and engage women as stakeholders of government programs and services and inspire and empower women and girls to be agents of change – to contribute in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of all women. This festival also serves as a forum for discussing and addressing the challenges that women continue to face in order to reach true empowerment.


                   This 2021 national women’s month celebration, reminds people to love and give care to women’s in the entire world, so as a students and a son I will show how to respect women’s to other people, because just like my mother and my sister they are a woman. So we should appreciate them and protect them.




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